
1. 概述 本私隱權條款解釋DeLay No More Delivery Limited (下稱DeLay No More Delivery)對使用DeLay No More Delivery所有消費者提供的個人資訊,包括但不限於DeLay No More Delivery網站或手機APP介面(下稱本網站)。請詳讀本私隱權條款並於使用DeLay No More Delivery服務前確定了解本條款內容。當您瀏覽或使用本網站提供之服務,即表示閣下同意DeLay No More Delivery根據本條款蒐集、使用與轉載您所提供的個人資訊。 2. DeLay No More Delivery將蒐集哪些閣下閣下的個人資訊 ? 我們蒐集閣下所提供於本網站上的資訊,包括您所訂購的餐點及服務,且對您所完成的消費者心得作紀錄。本網站有可能紀錄閣下在網站的瀏覽歷程紀錄。 DeLay No More Delivery 將會蒐集閣下的個人資訊,包括閣下的所在位置及所需資訊(這可能包含閣下的姓名、電子郵件、住家地址、電話號碼、與地理位置等),但僅會在閣下自願提供給我們的時候才使用該資訊。我們蒐集這些資訊僅會用於提供給閣下有關DeLay No More Delivery或其他我們認為閣下可能有興趣的服務上。我們蒐集這些資訊可能經由:線上訂餐、參加活動、訂閱我們的電子報、創立使用者帳戶或其他經由網站所得到的回覆,或經由廣告、調查與直銷。 我們將不會蒐集關於閣下個人的敏感資訊。 3. 瀏覽紀錄 部分資訊蒐集將不會有與閣下個人身份有關聯,但我們會對閣下在本網站上的瀏覽作紀錄,讓我們能更了解消費者使用網站的模式,並加強與改進閣下的訂餐體驗。我們可能會從瀏覽器歷程紀錄取得這些資訊。瀏覽紀錄是種從閣下的設備傳送的小型檔案,得以辨識與證明是從閣下的裝置而來,並允許閣下的裝置紀錄這些資訊以便閣下將來的使用。瀏覽紀錄並不包含任何個人身分的資訊,且我們也不會為了得到資訊而使用這些紀錄。DeLay No More Delivery僅會在閣下主動提供時所取得的個人資訊。我們可能自閣下的移動裝置或閣下因使用我們服務所透過的媒介來取得科技上資訊,舉例來說,閣下的裝置所在位置資料與對外揭示的資料。攜帶式/運作系統包含裝置與其連線方式、IP位址、裝置所設定支付方式、與其他科技設備連動的資訊,如NFC、QR codes或其他移動裝置證件。如果閣下要從設定中變更,閣下的設備或網際網路瀏覽器應使閣下得以拒絕這些瀏覽紀錄。 關於更多瀏覽歷程紀錄,包括了解瀏覽紀錄如何被紀錄、如何變更與刪除,請詳見www.allaboutcookies.org 4. 閣下的個人資訊的儲存與安全性 DeLay No More Delivery將會盡其所能去維持閣下的個人資訊的安全性,並保護閣下的個人資訊不被誤用、干擾、遺失與阻擋未經授權的登入、修改或披露。如閣下已經不再需要適用於本隱私權條款,DeLay No More Delivery 將會銷毀任何已持有的關於閣下的個人資訊。 若閣下設定登入本網站的密碼,閣下將有責任對閣下的密碼保密。我們建議閣下不要分享閣下的密碼給任何人。 因為網際網路的本質,DeLay No More Delivery 並不提供任何安全性的擔保與授權,除非閣下的個人資訊是傳達給我們或由我們所儲存,閣下須了解您在揭露個人資訊是有承擔風險的。如果閣下發覺到警示或懷疑在本網站有任何形式的未授權使用閣下的資訊,請儘速聯絡我們。 5. 我們如何使用閣下的個人資訊 閣下同意DeLay No More Delivery蒐集與使用閣下的個人資訊,於網站上以進行流程及發送訂單,且其他經由網站提供的服務。特別是閣下明確的同意DeLay No More Delivery可能透露閣下的個人資訊,包括姓名、電子郵件、實際住址與聯絡電話,以使外送員或DeLay No More Delivery的受雇人員能送達閣下的訂單,或第三方人員協助DeLay No More Delivery提供外送服務。 閣下同意DeLay No More Delivery使用閣下的個人資訊,於廣告與直銷上,通知您關於網站內容、商品與服務,或其他我們認為閣下有興趣的內容。 DeLay No More Delivery 可能會透露閣下的個人資訊,且閣下同意個人資訊的披露,包括 .其他隸屬於DeLay No More Delivery集團的公司; .受DeLay No More Delivery聘僱的第三人或其他DeLay No More Delivery集團的成員,在我們職務上執行或提供商品與服務,如付款的流程、發送信件、債款紀錄、調查、數值資訊、宣傳與直間接行銷; 如果閣下不希望訂閱並接收到這些來自DeLay No More Delivery的廣告資訊,或不想要我們分享閣下的個人資訊給這些單位,請email 至 [email protected]或參考指示以取消訂閱任何閣下所收到我們寄送的資訊,並要求我們將您的個人資訊中自寄送清單中移除。我們將於收到閣下的要求的適當期間內,會盡應盡的努力以符合閣下的期望。 請注意閣下的個人資訊收回任何的第三方授權,將會使我們無法再提供任何服務給閣下。 如具必要性或法律規定,或有合理必要性而需維護DeLay No More Delivery的權益或資產,或因任何第三方,或避免任何個人受有侵害的情形下,DeLay No More Delivery 保留權利以揭露閣下的個人資訊。 如果DeLay No More Delivery 轉賣或合併予其他主體,將有部分或所有的個人資訊被提供給第三人。 6. 使用閣下的個人資訊 DeLay No More Delivery 將會盡其所能維持閣下的個人資訊正確、完整、更新、相關且不易誤解的。如果閣下想了解DeLay No More Delivery所持有的閣下的個人資訊。我們將會在收到閣下的要求後的合理期間內,盡最大努力以提供閣下完整的個人資訊,請聯絡我們。並請寄email給我們到 [email protected] 以接收閣下的個人資訊副本。根據本地法令,DeLay No More Delivery 保留收取部分因完成閣下的要求所支付規費的權利。 如果是不正確、不完整或過時的,或要求個人資訊刪除,閣下可聯絡我們以更正任何關於閣下的個人資訊。我們會在接受到閣下的要求時的合理期間內,盡最大努力去依照您的要求做更正或刪除。 刪除閣下於DeLay No More Delivery的帳戶將不會自動刪除我們所保存關於閣下的個人資訊。如果閣下希望DeLay No More Delivery 刪除所有關於閣下的個人資訊且註銷閣下的帳戶,請參考上述所提供的建議。 請注意從我們的資料庫中刪除您的個人資訊將使我們無法再提供給閣下任何服務。 如果實行的任何法令要求我們應保留部分閣下的個人資訊紀錄,將會凌駕於閣下的要求。在提供給閣下個人資訊副本時,我們可能要求閣下證明閣下的個人資訊。 7. 私隱權條款變更 DeLay No More Delivery 保留權利變更任何本私隱權條款的內容。此外,任何變動將經由本網站告知,或經由電子郵件通知。 8. 其他網站 我們的網站可能連結到其他網站。本私隱權條款僅適用於本網站。閣下應先行閱讀其他網站的私隱權條款再行使用。 9. 聯絡我們 如對閣下的個人資訊有任何想法、建議或要求,歡迎寄到[email protected]告知我們。

Data Policy

1. Introduction This policy explains how we, DeLay No More Delivery Limited (hereinafter referred to as “DeLay No More Delivery”), use the personal information which you provide to us when using our service, including but not limited to our website and mobile applications (jointly referred as “Website”). Please read this Privacy Policy and understand it before using ourservices. By visiting and/or ordering services on this Website, you agree and, where required,consent to the collection, use and transfer of your information as set out in this policy. 2. What information do we collect about you? We collect personal information from you when you order goods or services from us or use our Website. We also collect information when you complete any customer survey. Website usage information may also be collected using cookies (as defined below). DeLay No More Delivery will collect information that personally identifies you and/or your location, where required (this may include your name, email address, home address, telephone number, geolocation, etc.), but only when you voluntarily give it to us. We collect this information exclusively to carry out the functions offered on the Website and to provide you with offers and information about DeLay No More Delivery and other services we think you may be interested in. We might collect this personal information through: online food ordering; entry into competitions; subscribing to our newsletter; creating a user account or other correspondence through the Website; or through advertising, research and direct marketing. We do not collect sensitive information about you. 3. Cookies Some of the information collected will not personally identify you but will instead track your use of the Website so that we can better understand how the Website is used by customers and in turn enhance and improve your experience in ordering food. We may obtain this information by use of cookies. Cookies are a small data file transferred to your device that recognises and identifies your device and allows your device to remember; information from the Website for future use. Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies you and we do not use cookies in order to obtain such information - your personal information can only be obtained by DeLay No More Delivery if you actively provide it to us. We may collect technical information from your mobile device or your use of our services through a mobile device, for example, location data and certain characteristics of, and performance data about your device, carrier/operating system including device and connection type, IP address, mobile payment methods, interaction with other retail technology such as use of NFC Tags, QR Codes or use of mobile vouchers. Your device and/or the web browser should allow you to refuse cookies if you wish by changing the settings. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, visit www.allaboutcookies.org. 4. Storage and security of your personal information DeLay No More Delivery will use all reasonable endeavours to maintain the security of your personal information and to protect your personal information from misuse, interference and loss and against unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. DeLay No More Delivery will destroy any personal information it holds about you which it no longer requires under the terms of this Privacy Policy. Where you have chosen a password to access certain services of the Website, you are responsible for keeping your password confidential. We recommend not sharing your password with anyone. Due to the nature of the internet, DeLay No More Delivery does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the security of your personal information during transmission to us or storage by us and you acknowledge that you disclose your personal information to us at your own risk. Please contact us immediately if you become aware or have reason to believe there has been any unauthorised use of your personal information in connection with the Website. 5. How will we use the information we collect from you? You consent to DeLay No More Delivery collecting and using your personal information for processing and delivering the order/s placed on the Website and any other service provided through the Website. In particular you expressly consent that DeLay No More Delivery may disclose your personal information, including your name, email address, physical address and telephone number to riders delivering your order, either employed by DeLay No More Delivery or by third parties providing delivery services to DeLay No More Delivery. You consent to DeLay No More Delivery using your personal information for advertising and direct marketing purposes in order to inform you about the Website and the goods and services it provides, or other matters that it believes will be of interest to you. DeLay No More Delivery may disclose your personal information, and you consent to the disclosure of your personal information, to: • other entities within the DeLay No More Delivery group of companies; and • third parties engaged by DeLay No More Delivery or other members of the DeLay No More Delivery group to perform functions or provide products and services on our behalf such as processing payments, mail outs, debt collection, research, statistical information, marketing and direct or indirect advertising. If you would like to unsubscribe from receiving direct marketing communications from DeLay No More Delivery or do not want us to share your personal information with other parties, please e-mail us at [email protected] or follow the steps to unsubscribe which are presented in every communication you receive from us, requesting your personal information be removed from our mailing list. We will use reasonable endeavours to comply with your request within a reasonable period of receipt of your request. Please note that the withdrawal of any authorisations for processing of your personal information by third parties may result in us not being able to provide you with any services. DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right to disclose your personal information if it is required or authorised to do so by law, or, if it is reasonably necessary in its opinion to protect the rights or property of DeLay No More Delivery or any third party, or to avoid injury to any person. If the DeLay No More Delivery business is sold or merges with another entity then some or all of your personal information may be passed to a third party. 6. Access to your information DeLay No More Delivery will use all reasonable endeavours to keep personal information it holds accurate, complete, up-to-date, relevant and not misleading. Please contact us if you would like to access the personal information DeLay No More Delivery holds about you. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide a complete list of your personal information within a reasonable period of receipt of your request. Please email us if you would like to receive a copy of this information – [email protected] . DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right to charge a nominal fee for the processing of this request in accordance with local legislation. You may contact us to correct any of your personal information that is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date, or to request that your personal information be deleted. We will use reasonable endeavours to correct or delete your personal information as requested within a reasonable period of receipt of your request. Deletion of your account with DeLay No More Delivery will not automatically delete the personal information held about you. If you would like DeLay No More Delivery to delete all personal information together with the deletion of your account, please follow the steps mentioned-above. Please note that the deletion of your personal information from our database will result in us not being able to provide you with any services. If applicable, any legal requirement on us to maintain certain records of your personal information shall prevail over any of your requests. We may require you to prove your identity before providing you with copies of your personal information. 7. Changes to our Privacy Policy DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right to alter all or any part of this Privacy Policy. Any changes thereto will be notified via the Website and, where appropriate, through e-mail notification. 8. Other Websites Our Website may have links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to the Website. You should therefore read the privacy policies of the other websites when you are using those sites. 9. Contact All comments, queries and requests relating to our use of your information are welcomed and should be addressed to: [email protected]