本使用條款(下稱「本條款」)約束您對 DeLay No More Delivery (或稱為「我們」)提供的網站和流動應用程式(統稱為「平台」)的使用。 請仔細閱讀本條款。瀏覽和使用平台,即表示您同意您已閱讀、理解並接受本條款,包括本條款中引用、平台上公開展示或可透過超連結獲取的任何其他條款及細則以及任何政策。若您不同意或不遵守本條款,請不要使用平台。 平台可供 (i) 年滿 18 歲的自然人和 (ii) 公司法人實體(例如:公司)使用。如適用,本條款應受其中列出的特定國家/地區規定約束。 未滿 18 歲的用戶必須徵得父母或法定監護人的同意,後者必須接受本條款並同意對您的行為承擔責任以及支付 因您使用平台和/或購買商品產生的任何費用。若您未得父母或法定監護人同意,則必須立即停止使用/瀏覽平台。 DeLay No More Delivery 保留隨時更改或修改本條款(包括我們納入本條款的政策)的權利。我們強烈建議您定期閱讀本條款。 自修訂條款發佈之日起繼續使用平台,即表示您已同意修訂條款。 1. DeLay No More Delivery 1.1 我們是誰 根據您瀏覽和使用的平台,本條款構成您與以下 DeLay No More Delivery實體之間訂立的合約: DeLay No More Delivery是一家科技公司, 為用戶提供獲取特定服務的平台。根據所涉及的服務,服務可能由 DeLay No More Delivery 或第三方供應商提供。如果服務由第三方供應商提供,DeLay No More Delivery 的作用僅僅是聯繫用戶與該第三方供應商。DeLay No More Delivery不對任何第三方提供商的行為和/或不作為負責,與此類服務相關的任何責任均由第三方供應商承擔。第三方供應商不是DeLay No More Delivery的代理人、僱員或員工,第三方供應商提供的解決方案或服務不應被視為由DeLay No More Delivery提供。 1.2 我們從事什麼活動 DeLay No More Delivery 透過平台讓您與供應商(下稱「供應商」)建立關聯,以便您訂購將送達給您的各種商品,包 括熟食、生食及其他非食品類用品(以下統稱為「商品」)。當您向供應商下達商品訂單(下稱「訂單」) 時,DeLay No More Delivery 充當代理人,代表供應商提供、處理和訂立訂單,隨後由我們或供應商向您交付訂單。供 應商的所有方和營運方可以是第三方供應商、我們的聯營公司或我們自己。 1.3 如何聯絡我們 要獲得客戶支援,您可以透過電子郵件與我們聯絡。 2. 使用平台和 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶 2.1 您需要註冊一個 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶才能使用平台。當您註冊 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶時,我們會要求您提供您的個人資料,包括有效的電子郵件地址、手機號碼和唯一密碼。要結算訂單,您可能需要向我們提供您的信用卡詳細資料,實際需要提供哪些資料要視您選擇的付款方式而定。您的唯一密碼不得與任何人共用,並且您同意永遠對其保密。您應對您的密碼安全負全責。除了非因您的過錯導致的欺詐或濫用情況之外,您接受在您個人 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶下下達的所有訂單由您負全責。 2.2 若是因為您提供的資料不完整、不正確或有缺失而導致訂單出現交付問題,DeLay No More Delivery 對此等訂單概不負責。您有義務提供完整、準確和真實的資料,以便妥善處理訂單,包括您的收貨地址和聯絡方式。 2.3 若想刪除您的 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶,請向我們發送要求刪除帳戶的電子郵件。若我們合理認為有以下情況出現,我們可能會限制、暫停或終止您的 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶和/或限制、暫停或終止您使用平台: 2.3.1 除您以外的其他人正在使用您的 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶;或者 2.3.2 我們懷疑或發現您參與了違反本條款、我們的政策和指引的任何活動或行為,或者參與了我們全權酌情視為濫用平台的活動或行為。 3. 限制 3.1 平台禁止的活動 以下非詳盡清單列出了非法或平台禁止的行為類型。DeLay No More Delivery 保留對其全權酌情視為從事任何禁止活動 的任何人進行調查並採取適當法律行動的權利。禁止活動包括但不限於下列各方面: 3.1.1 違反當地、州或聯邦法律或法規將平台用於任何目的; 3.1.2 發佈任何侵犯知識產權、私隱權、公開權、商業秘密權或任何一方的任何其他權利的內容; 3.1.3 發佈被 DeLay No More Delivery 全權酌情視為或依據當地社區標準被判定為具有非法、淫褻性質或對任何其他 個人或實體具有誹謗、威脅、騷擾、辱駡、詆毀、仇恨性質或令其難堪的內容; 3.1.4 發佈被 DeLay No More Delivery 全權酌情視為構成網絡欺凌的內容; 3.1.5 發佈描述任何危險行為、危及生命的行為或其他冒險行為的內容; 3.1.6 發佈任何個人的電話號碼、街道地址或姓氏; 3.1.7 將 URL 發佈到外部網站或任何形式的 HTML 或程式設計代碼中; 3.1.8 發佈可能被 DeLay No More Delivery 全權酌情視為「垃圾郵件」的任何內容; 3.1.9 冒充他人發佈內容; 3.1.10 未經他人同意,收集或以其他方式搜集有關他人的資料,包括電子郵件地址; 3.1.11 允許任何其他個人或實體使用您的身份來發佈或查看評論; 3.1.12 騷擾、威脅、跟蹤或虐待平台上的任何個人; 3.1.13 從事限制或禁止他人使用或享用網站或者被 DeLay No More Delivery 全權酌情視為使 DeLay No More Delivery 或其任何客 戶、供應商或任何其他方遭受任何形式的責任或損害的任何其他行為;或者 3.1.14 鼓勵其他人從事本條款中所述的任何禁止活動。 3.2 DeLay No More Delivery 有權但無義務執行以下任何一項或全部操作: 3.2.1 調查平台上發佈的任何內容是否不符合本條款這一主張,並自行決定刪除或請求刪除內容; 3.2.2 刪除具有辱駡、非法或破壞性質或不符合本條款的內容; 3.2.3 用戶出現違反本條款的行為時,暫停或終止用戶瀏覽平台或其 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶; 3.2.4 監控、編輯或披露平台上的任何內容;以及 3.2.5 編輯或刪除平台上發佈的任何內容,無論這些內容是否違反上述標準。 4 知識產權 所有已註冊或未註冊商標、標誌、圖像和服務標記(包括平台上或我們的行銷材料中顯示的本條款,統稱 為「商標」)均為 DeLay No More Delivery 和/或授予我們使用權的第三方的知識產權。未經我們事先明確書面同意, 您不得以任何方式使用、複製、轉載、再發佈、上載、發佈、傳輸、分發或修改這些商標。嚴禁在未經我 們批准的任何其他網站上使用 DeLay No More Delivery 的商標。DeLay No More Delivery 將在法律允許的最大範圍內積極執行其知識 產權,包括刑事訴訟。DeLay No More Delivery 不保證也不聲明,您使用的平台上顯示的材料不會侵犯非 DeLay No More Delivery 擁 有或與之無附屬關係的第三方的權利。使用平台上的任何材料所產生的風險由您自行承擔。 5 商品限制 5.1 我們在平台上提供的某些商品(下稱「受限制商品」)受到購買限制的約束,實際情況取決於您購買受限制商品所在國家/地區的適用法律。這些限制包括酒/酒類商品,以及我們有權根據當時有效的相關法定要求不向您交付的任何其他商品的最低年齡要求。 5.2 酒/酒類商品(下稱「酒類商品」) 您必須達到法定年齡才能購買酒類商品。DeLay No More Delivery、供應商及其送貨人(視情況而定)有權全權酌情行使以下權利: 5.2.1 在向任何個人交付酒類商品之前,要求其提供有效的年齡證明(例如:身份證); 5.2.2 在您無法證明您已達到法定年齡的情況下拒絕交付酒類商品;以及/或者 5.2.3 出於任何原因拒絕向任何個人交付酒類商品。 5.3 香煙/煙草製品(下稱「煙草類商品」) 5.3.1 我們可以在法律允許的某些平台上提供煙類商品。在平台上出售煙草類商品並不表示我們主張以任何方式宣傳、促銷或者鼓勵購買或使用煙草類商品。 5.3.2 您必須達到法定年齡才能購買煙草類商品。DeLay No More Delivery、供應商及其送貨人(視情況而定)有權全權酌情行使以下權利: (i) 在向任何個人交付煙草類商品之前,要求其提供有效的年齡證明(例如:身份證); (ii) 在您無法證明您已達到法定年齡的情況下拒絕交付煙草類商品;以及/或者 (iii) 出於任何原因拒絕向任何個人交付煙草類商品。 5.4 在法律禁止的情況下,平台上提供的任何煙草類和酒類商品的報價均屬無效。 6 訂單 6.1 若您透過 DeLay No More Delivery 下單,DeLay No More Delivery 會向您發送一封附有訂單收據的確認電子郵件以確認您的訂單。在適用的情況下,訂單將包括送貨費及任何適用的稅費(例如:商品和服務稅、增值稅等)。 6.2 最低訂單價值 - 只有達到相應的最低訂單價值(下稱「MOV」),某些供應商才會允許您下單並向您交付商品。若相應的訂單未能達到 MOV,您可以選擇支付差額以達到 MOV 或者在您的訂單中加入更多商品。 6.3 特別說明 - DeLay No More Delivery 和供應商(視情況而定)會在合理範圍內努力遵循您對訂單的特別說明。但是,在特別說明不可行、可能或在商業上合理的某些情況下,DeLay No More Delivery 和/或供應商有權根據標準操作程序繼續準備訂單。對於不符合您提供的特別說明的訂單,DeLay No More Delivery 和供應商均無責任為您換貨或退貨。 6.4 致敏原 - DeLay No More Delivery 沒有義務在平台上提供成分資料或致敏原資料。此外,DeLay No More Delivery 不保證供應商出售 的商品不含致敏原。若您有過敏症、過敏反應或飲食限制和要求,請在我們的平台上下單之前與供應商聯絡。 6.5 請注意,您的訂單可能受供應商規定的其他條款及細則約束。 6.6 下單之前 6.6.1 您需要提供收貨地址,以便平台顯示您所在區域可提供服務的供應商。 6.6.2 選擇供應商後,您會被轉到其功能表頁面。您可以在那裏選擇商品,然後將商品加到購物車內。 6.7 下單 要完成訂單,請在點擊「結算」後按照螢幕上的說明操作。您可能需要向我們提供更多詳細資料才能完成您的訂單。您必須先查看並確認您提供的所有資料(包括金額、收貨詳細資料、個人詳細資料、付款資料和優惠碼(如適用))真實、準確、完整,然後才能點擊「下單」。若您收到一封附有您的訂單收據的確認電子郵件,即表示您已成功下單。 6.8 取消訂單 6.8.1 若想在下單後取消訂單,請立即透過我們的應用程式內的客戶支援聊天功能與我們聯絡。您有權取消您的訂單,但先決條件是供應商尚未接受您的訂單。 6.8.2 退款 (i) 線上付款訂單 只有在供應商尚未接受您的訂單時,您才有權獲得已取消訂單的退款。若您在供應商接受 訂單後仍決定取消訂單,即表示您明白供應商不會向您提供(全部或部分)退款,也不會 向您發送已取消訂單的商品。 (ii) 貨到付款訂單 只有在供應商尚未接受您的訂單時,您才有權取消訂單。若您在供應商接受訂單後仍決定 取消訂單,即表示您明白供應商不會向您發送已取消訂單的商品,並且貨到付款可能會從 未來訂單的可用付款方式清單中刪除。 6.9 若 DeLay No More Delivery 合理懷疑存在或發現與您的 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶和/或訂單相關的欺詐行為或活動,DeLay No More Delivery 有權全權酌情取消任何訂單和/或暫停、停用或終止您的 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶。 7 價格和付款 7.1 平台上的報價應以適用國家/地區的本國貨幣顯示。平台上的報價可能與實際價格有所 不同,您應接受我們的供應商(在其自己的網站、流動應用程式或實體店中)提供的報價 7.2 每筆訂單均需收取送貨費,除非: 7.2.1 您選擇直接從供應商處取貨(下稱「自取」); 7.2.2 您擁有有效的促銷券或折扣券並在結算時使用;或者 7.2.3 另有說明。 7.3 平台上顯示的價格和額外費用(包括送貨費 、小額訂單費、平台費或其他任何費用)為每筆訂單下單時的成交價格,並可能隨時更改。 7.4 A 結賬前會顯示價格明細和額外費用(包括送貨費、小額訂單費、平台費或其他任何費用)。若您下單,即表示您同意所有金額、額外費用以及最終顯示的「總計」 金額。 7.5 您可以選擇使用平台上提供的任何不同付款方式支付訂單,包括: 7.5.1 我們的支付合作夥伴:Visa、Mastercard、American Express、Google Pay、Apple Pay; 7.5.2 不時向您提供的其他付款方式。 7.6 若您擁有有效的促銷券或折扣券,或者您的 DeLay No More Delivery 帳戶中有可用積分,則您可以視情況將其用於支付您的部分或全部訂單。 7.7 成功下單後,您會收到一封附有您的訂單收據的確認電子郵件。若您選擇自取,送貨費將不會出現在您的訂單收據中。 7.8 付款方式 DeLay No More Delivery 有權隨時全權酌情提供其他付款方式和/或刪除現有付款方式。若您選擇使用線上付款方式付款,則付款應由我們的第三方支付服務提供者處理。在您同意的情況下,我們的第三方支付服務提供者會保存您的信用卡/付款資料,以備將來使用。DeLay No More Delivery 不會保存您的信用卡或付款資料。 7.9 您必須確保您的信用卡和提款卡戶口有足夠的資金來支付訂單。如有需要,DeLay No More Delivery 會負責處理在我們 平台上進行的付款(包括退款、退貨、取消和爭議解決),而先決條件是這些付款合理、公正並符合本條款。 7.10 送貨員貼士 7.10.1 送貨員貼士(定義見下文)適用於所有訂單,貨到付款訂單及由供應商交付的訂單除外(定義見下文)。當您在平台上下單時,您將可以選擇是否向分配給您的送貨員支付貼士 (下稱“送貨員貼士”)。DeLay No More Delivery將使用您為訂單選擇的付款方式來收取送貨員貼士。送貨員將在送貨完成後收到您選擇支付的送貨員貼士全數金額。 7.10.2 對於在送貨前被取消的訂單,DeLay No More Delivery將對您已支付的任何送貨員貼士以您為訂單選擇的付款方式進行退款處理。退款程序需時並經由DeLay No More Delivery、您的信用卡公司和/或您的銀行進行處理,。退款需要約5至10個工作天(海外銀行甚至可能需時長達30天)才能完成處理並反映在您的帳戶中。 7.10.3 送貨員貼士在送貨員完成送貨訂單後將不予退還。 7.10.4 如您對送貨員貼士有任何問題或疑慮,請通過電子郵件或平台上的對話功能與我們的客戶服務部聯繫。 8 送貨、自取和供應商送貨 8.1 送貨區域 您明白,我們的供應商在特定的送貨區域提供商品而且供應商因送貨區域而有所不同。在平台上輸入您的送貨地址就能獲悉在送貨時哪個供應商為您提供服務。根據天氣和交通條件以及不可抗力的情況,送貨區 域可能會擴大、縮小或有所變動。 8.2 送貨時間 8.2.1 DeLay No More Delivery 應將訂單商品送至您提供的收貨地址。您可以選擇「儘快」送貨,或者安排在特定的 時間送貨。我們會在確認電子郵件中向您提供預計送貨時間,但送貨時間會因不受我們控制的因素(例如:訂單數量、距離、時段(高峰期)、天氣情況、交通情況等)而有所不同。在平台上 點擊「我的訂單」可查看剩餘的送貨時間。您明白我們提供的送貨時間只是一個預計時間,訂單 商品可能會提前或延遲送達。為了確保您收到訂單商品,您應確保在下單後由您本人或讓他人前往收貨地點收貨。若您的訂單包括酒類或煙草類商品(如適用),並且您或收貨人未達到或看似未達到法定年齡或者無法提供有效的身份證明,DeLay No More Delivery 有權不向您交付訂單。 8.3 送貨失敗 8.3.1 送貨員嘗試交付訂單但由於您引起的某些原因而無法交付訂單的情況,包括但不限於: (i) 沒有人收貨; (ii) 儘管嘗試透過提供的電話號碼聯絡您,但仍無法與您取得聯絡; (iii) 缺乏適當或充分的途徑來成功交付訂單; (iv) 缺乏適合或安全的地點來寄存訂單商品;或者 (v) 對於受限制商品,您不符合法定年齡要求,或者送貨人認為接收受限制商品對於您或您的代表而言不安全或不適當。 8.3.2 因無法取得聯絡而取消訂單 若在將訂單商品送達收貨地址後十 (10) 分鐘內仍無法與您取得聯絡,或者您無法收貨, DeLay No More Delivery 有權取消訂單,而無需向您退款或對您採取補救措施。 8.4 訂單錯誤、商品缺失、商品有缺陷 收到訂單商品後,若您發現自己的訂單有問題(例如:訂單錯誤、商品缺失或有缺陷),請立即透過上述第 1.3 條所述的其中一種方式與客戶服務員聯絡。在某些情況下,DeLay No More Delivery 可能會要求您拍照取證和/或提供其他資料,以妥善調查您的訂單問題。若我們確定您收到的訂單和/或商品的狀態或品質令人不滿意,我們會就您的整個或部分訂單作出賠償。 8.5 訂單自取 8.5.1 如適用,您可以選擇直接從供應商處自行取貨(下稱「自取」),而不是要求送貨。您的確認電子郵件會註明您自行取貨的時間(下稱「取貨時間」)。供應商會在取貨時間之前準備訂單。在 某些情況下,預計可能會有合理的延遲。供應商同意在取貨時間後二十 (20) 分鐘的合理時間(下稱「寄存時間」)內將您的訂單商品寄存在供應商處。若您未在寄存時間內提貨,供應商無義務 向您提供訂單商品。 8.5.2 若由於您的原因造成自取出現不合理的延誤,您將承擔任何商品損壞或損失、商品品質下降或商 品狀態變化(例如:適用溫度發生變化)的風險。在這種情況下,您無權要求換貨或退貨。您全 權負責在自取時檢查商品/訂單,並應在離開供應商的處所之前向供應商報告任何問題和/或缺陷。 8.6 供應商送貨 在某些情況下,我方供應商會向您交付訂單(「 供應商送貨 」)。雖然我們會盡合理的努力在供應商送貨 前通知您,但不確保一定能夠做到這一點。在供應商送貨的情況下,如出現問題或送貨延遲,我們可能要 求您直接與供應商聯絡。無論哪種情況,DeLay No More Delivery 均不會對供應商交付的訂單或商品負責。 9 優惠券、折扣和促銷活動 9.1 DeLay No More Delivery 可能會不時展開行銷和促銷活動,提供優惠碼、折扣以及可在平台上使用的促銷優惠活動(統稱為「優惠券」)。優惠券有有效期和兌換期,在某些情況下,只能使用一次。 9.2 優惠券不可與其他促銷活動、折扣或其他代金券一起使用。優惠券可能適用其他條款及細則。 9.3 除另有說明外,優惠券只能在我方平台上使用。 9.4 優惠券不能兌換成現金。 9.5 DeLay No More Delivery 保留取消、停止或拒收任何優惠券的權利,恕不另行通知。個別餐廳的條款及細則適用。 9.6 我們可隨時禁止某些供應商使用優惠券,而不必事先通知您。 10聲明、保證和責任限制 10.1 聲明和保證 您承認並同意,平台上的內容是在「既有」及「現有」的基礎上提供的,您自行決定使用或依賴平台以及透過平台瀏覽或獲得的任何內容、商品、產品或服務並自行承擔相應風險。儘管 DeLay No More Delivery 會盡合理的努力確保一直能夠提供平台以及我們的服務,但我們不保證亦不聲明在提供平台時,會一直安全、及時、不間斷、無錯誤、無技術困難、缺陷或病毒。請明白,平台可能會因定期或日常維護,以及因網絡、電子通訊或不可抗力事件造成的停機而暫時中斷。 10.2 責任限制 10.2.1 在法律允許的範圍內,DeLay No More Delivery(包括其員工、董事、代理、代表、聯營方和母公司)對您或第三方因與我方平台、我方服務、連結至我方平台的任何網站以及發佈在平台上的任何內容或材料相關而蒙受的損 失或損害不承擔任何責任(無論是因合約、疏忽或其他原因引起)。對於您因使用平台而遭受損失損害,相關的補救措施就是停止使用平台。而對於因您使用平台產生的任何間接、特殊、附帶、後果性或懲罰性 損害,或與您使用平台相關的任何其他索償,DeLay No More Delivery 實體及其代理、代表和服務提供者概不負責。對該等間接、特殊、後果性和懲罰性損害的免責範圍,包括但不限於利潤損失、資料遺失、商譽損失、停工、電腦故障或失靈或任何其他商業損害或損失,即使 DeLay No More Delivery 實體及其代理、代表和服務提供者已獲知發生該等損害的可能性,且不論索償依據何種法律或公平理論。由於某些州或管轄區不允許排除或限制對後果性或附帶損害的責任,在這些州或管轄區,DeLay No More Delivery、DeLay No More Delivery 實體、其代理、代表和服務提供者的責任應限於法律允許的範圍內。除非另有說明,並在法律允許的最大範圍內,您對 DeLay No More Delivery 提出的任何索賠應限於您在引起此類索賠的事件期間使用服務實際支及/或應支付的總金額。 10.2.2 DeLay No More Delivery 不會介入您與送貨員、供應商的送貨員或服務商(包括供應商、廣告商和/或贊助商,包括任何第三方)之間的任何爭議或爭議談判。您對經由服務和/或平台提供的服務及/或產品(及其所有影響)所做出的決定的責任完全由您承擔。 您明確放棄並免除 DeLay No More Delivery 因您使用服務及/或平台或以任何方式與第三方(包括供應商、送貨員、供應商的送貨員、平台向您介紹的廣告商和/或贊助商)相關的任何和所有責任、索賠、訴訟因由或損害賠償。 11 供應商聲明 DeLay No More Delivery 不須對供應商或您在提供商品以及供應商送貨適用於您訂單的情況的行為或不作為承擔任何責任。DeLay No More Delivery 對供應商、送貨員、供應商的送貨員提供的商品和/或服務之數量、品質、狀態或其他情況不承擔任何責任,也不對 平台上發佈的供應商清單/產品上展示的資料(包括功能表資訊、圖片和圖像)的準確性或完整性作任何保證。本條款中的內容不得免除供應商對因嚴重疏忽或故意不當行為而導致的死亡或人身傷害所負的責任。在適用的情況下,DeLay No More Delivery 作為收款代理的角色完全是機械式和行政性質的,DeLay No More Delivery 對您不負有謹慎責任或任何受信責任。 12 網絡延遲 服務和平台可能會受到互聯網和電子通信使用中固有的限制、延遲和其他問題的影響,包括您或第三方供應商使用的設備有故障、未連接、超出範圍、關閉或停止運作。對於因此類問題導致的任何延遲、交付失敗、損壞或損失,DeLay No More Delivery 概不負責。 13 供應商責任 供應商負責商品的準備、狀態和品質。在供應商供貨的情況下,供應商負責交付商品和/或訂單。對於因您與供應商的合約關係而引起的任何損失或損害,DeLay No More Delivery 概不負責。 14 個人資料(個人資訊)保護 您同意並允許 DeLay No More Delivery 及其任何聯營方根據本條款與我們的私隱政策中進一步詳細說明的規定,收集、 使用、處理和披露您的個人資料。私隱政策將構成本條款的一部分。 15 餐飲服務 在適用的情況下,您可以選擇預訂 DeLay No More Delivery 餐飲服務 (下稱「餐飲服務」 ),將您與餐飲供應商聯繫起來。 如果您選擇通過餐飲服務預訂,即表示您同意遵守並受到餐飲服務條款及細則的約束,以上條款及細則通過引用併入並可透過此處查閱。 16 賠償 您同意保障、保護並保持 DeLay No More Delivery、其董事、高級職員、員工、代表、代理和聯營方免受因您使用平台或您違反本條款引起的任何及全部第三方索償、責任、損害和/或費用(包括但不限於法律費用),並保證對此作出賠償。 17 第三方連結和網站 平台可能有指向其他第三方網站的連結,點擊這些連結,即表示您同意跳轉至這些網站並自行承擔一切風險。 DeLay No More Delivery 不會控制這些第三方網站或連結,亦不會為其背書,對於這些連結網頁上的內容亦不負責。對於您因瀏覽和使用這些第三方連結和網站而遭受的任何損失或損害,DeLay No More Delivery 不會承擔任何責任或法律責任。 18 終止 DeLay No More Delivery 有權因任何原因終止、暫停或刪除您的帳戶和瀏覽平台的權限,包括我們就訂單向您提供的任何送貨服務,這些原因包括但不限於:DeLay No More Delivery 自行決定認為您使用平台不可接受,或者若您做出違反條款的任何行為,DeLay No More Delivery 可以但無義務在終止您使用網站之前向您發出警告。 19 修訂 DeLay No More Delivery 可隨時自行決定修訂本條款。修改後的條款在發佈後立即生效,您繼續使用平台即表示同意新條款。您有責任定期檢查條款。若您不同意修改後的條款,無論是全部還是部分,您必須立即停止使用平台。 20 可分割性 若本使用條款中的任何規定被具有有效管轄權的法院認定為無效,則該等規定的無效性不影響本使用條款 其餘規定的有效性,這些規定應保持充分的效力。放棄履行本使用條款中的任何規定不應被視為進一步或持續放棄履行該規定或任何其他規定。 21 準據法 本條款受相關 DeLay No More Delivery 實體註冊成立所在的國家或地區/管轄地法院(見下表所示)的法律管轄,並據其解釋。 22 聯絡我們 若您希望就任何疑問或意見與我們聯絡,請發送電子郵件至我們的客戶支援電郵信箱與我們聯絡。 23 雜貨/便利店 23.1 透過平台上的「商店」(「商店」)從供應商處購買商品需受本條款約束。另外,您同意遵守與從商店購買商品有關的任何及所有指引、通知、操作規則和政策以及指示說明,這些都是本條款的組成部分。 23.2 由於送貨限制條件,DeLay No More Delivery 可能須自行決定對您的訂單數量設定一個上限,或限制您從商店訂購的商品數量。 23.3 除另有規定外,從商店購買商品應遵守商店取消、退款和退貨政策。 23.4 若任何商品的價格需根據商品的最終重量確定,我們會提供初步估價,以便結算。最終價格會在您的電子郵件確認函中標明。若您支付的費用不足,我們會向您收取額外費用。若超額支付,多餘費用應根據我們的商店取消、退款和退貨政策進行退款。 23.5 我們有權但無義務限制或限定向任何人、地理區域或管轄區銷售我們的商品。由於一些國家/地區的法律,我們不能向您出售某些商品或受限制物品(煙酒等)。若法律禁止,在平台上標明的任何報價均無效。 24 適用語言 若有與本條款有關的爭議出現時,以英文版本為準。本條款的英文版在各方面均具有約束力,如與翻譯版本不一致,以英文版為準。
These Terms of Use (“Terms”) govern your use of the websites and mobile applications provided by DeLay No More Delivery (or referred to as “us”) (collectively the “Platforms”). Please read these Terms carefully. By accessing and using the Platforms, you agree that you have read, understood and accepted the Terms including any additional terms and conditions and any policies referenced herein, available on the Platforms or available by hyperlink. If you do not agree or fall within the Terms, please do not use the Platforms. The Platforms may be used by (i) natural persons who have reached 18 years of age and (ii) corporate legal entities, e.g companies. Where applicable, these Terms shall be subject to country-specific provisions as set out herein. Users below the age of 18 must obtain consent from parent(s) or legal guardian(s), who by accepting these Terms shall agree to take responsibility for your actions and any charges associated with your use of the Platforms and/or purchase of Goods. If you do not have consent from your parent(s) or legal guardian(s), you must stop using/accessing the Platforms immediately. DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right to change or modify these Terms (including our policies which are incorporated into these Terms) at any time. You are strongly recommended to read these Terms regularly. You will be deemed to have agreed to the amended Terms by your continued use of the Platforms following the date on which the amended Terms are posted. 1. DeLay No More Delivery 1.1 Who we are Depending on which Platform you access and use, these Terms form the contract between you and the following DeLay No More Delivery entities: DeLay No More Delivery is a technology company which provides a platform for users to obtain certain type services. Depending on the service in question, the services may be supplied by DeLay No More Delivery or a third party provider. Where the service is provided by a third party provider, DeLay No More Delivery’s role is merely to link the user with such third party provider. DeLay No More Delivery is not responsible for the acts and/or omissions of any third party provider, and any liability in relation to such services shall be borne by the third party provider. Third party provider is not an agent, employee or staff of DeLay No More Delivery and the solutions or the services provided by third party providers shall not be deemed to be provided by DeLay No More Delivery. 1.2 What we do Through our Platforms, DeLay No More Delivery links you to the third party service provider (“Vendors”) for you to order a variety of goods including, prepared meals, non-prepared food and miscellaneous non-food items (hereinafter collectively referred to as 'Goods') to be delivered to you. When you place an order for Goods with the Vendors (“Order”), DeLay No More Delivery acts as an agent as a technology provider for that Vendor to facilitate, process and conclude the Order and subsequently for either a third party independent service provider (“Rider”) or the Vendor’s own delivery riders (“Vendor’s Rider”) to deliver your Order to you. 1.3 How to contact us For customer support, you may reach out to us via email. 2. Use of the Platforms and DeLay No More Delivery Account 2.1 You will need to register for a DeLay No More Delivery account for you to use the Platform. When you register for a DeLay No More Delivery account we will ask you to provide your personal information including a valid email address, a mobile phone number and a unique password. To purchase an Order, depending on which payment method you opt for, you may need to provide us with your credit card details. Your unique password should not be shared with anyone and you agree to keep it secret at all times. You are solely responsible for keeping your password safe. Save for cases of fraud or abuse which are not your fault, you accept that all Orders placed under your DeLay No More Delivery account are your sole responsibility. 2.2 DeLay No More Delivery shall not be liable for Orders that encounter delivery issues due to incomplete, incorrect or missing information provided by you. You are obliged to provide information that is complete, accurate and truthful for the proper processing of the Order, including your delivery address and contact information. 2.3 If you wish to delete your DeLay No More Delivery account, please send us an email requesting the same. We may restrict, suspend or terminate your DeLay No More Delivery account and/or use of the Platforms, if we reasonably believe that: 2.3.1 someone other than you is using your DeLay No More Delivery account; or 2.3.2 where you are suspected or discovered to have been involved in any activity or conduct that is in breach of these Terms, our policies and guidelines, or involved in activity or conduct which we deem in our sole discretion to be an abuse of the Platforms. 3. Restrictions 3.1 Activities Prohibited on the Platforms The following is a non-exhaustive list of the types of conduct that are illegal or prohibited on the Platforms. DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in DeLay No More Delivery's sole discretion, engages in any of the prohibited activities. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to the following: 3.1.1 using the Platforms for any purpose in violation of local, state, or federal laws or regulations; 3.1.2 posting any content that infringes the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, trade secret rights, or any other rights of any party; 3.1.3 posting content that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful, or embarrassing to any other person or entity as determined by DeLay No More Delivery in its sole discretion or pursuant to local community standards; 3.1.4 posting content that constitutes cyber-bullying, as determined by DeLay No More Delivery in its sole discretion; 3.1.5 posting content that depicts any dangerous, life-threatening, or otherwise risky behavior; 3.1.6 posting telephone numbers, street addresses, or last names of any person; 3.1.7 posting URLs to external websites or any form of HTML or programming code; 3.1.8 posting anything that may be “spam,” as determined by DeLay No More Delivery in its sole discretion; 3.1.9 impersonating another person when posting content; 3.1.10 harvesting or otherwise collecting information about others, including e-mail addresses, without their consent; 3.1.11 allowing any other person or entity to use your identification for posting or viewing comments; 3.1.12 harassing, threatening, stalking, or abusing any person on the Platforms; 3.1.13 engaging in any other conduct that restricts or inhibits any other person from using or enjoying the Websites, or which, in the sole discretion of DeLay No More Delivery, exposes DeLay No More Delivery or any of its customers, suppliers, or any other parties to any liability or detriment of any type; or 3.1.14 encouraging other people to engage in any prohibited activities as described herein. 3.2 DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right but is not obligated to do any or all of the following: 3.2.1 investigate an allegation that any content posted on the Platforms does not conform to these Terms and determine in its sole discretion to remove or request the removal of the content; 3.2.2 remove content which is abusive, illegal, or disruptive, or that otherwise fails to conform with these Terms; 3.2.3 suspend or terminate a user’s access to the Platforms or their DeLay No More Delivery Account upon any breach of these Terms; 3.2.4 monitor, edit, or disclose any content on the Platforms; and 3.2.5 edit or delete any content posted on the Platforms, regardless of whether such content violates these standards. 4. Intellectual Property All trademarks, logos, images, and service marks, including these Terms as displayed on the Platforms or in our marketing material, whether registered or unregistered, are the intellectual property of DeLay No More Delivery and/or third parties who have authorised us with the use (collectively the “Trademarks”). You may not use, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, or modify these Trademarks in any way without our prior express written consent. The use of DeLay No More Delivery's trademarks on any other website not approved by us is strictly prohibited. DeLay No More Delivery will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, including criminal prosecution. DeLay No More Delivery neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials displayed on the Platforms will not infringe rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with DeLay No More Delivery. Use of any materials on the Platforms is at your own risk. 5. Restrictions on Goods 5.1 Some of the Goods we offer on our Platforms are subject to restrictions for purchase (“Restricted Goods”), depending on the applicable laws of the country you purchase the Restricted Goods from. These restrictions include minimum age requirements for alcohol/alcoholic products and any other goods that we reserve the right not to deliver to you based on the relevant statutory requirements of the time being in force. 5.2 Alcohol / Alcoholic Products (“Alcohol”) To purchase Alcohol, you must be of the statutory legal age. DeLay No More Delivery, the Vendor, Rider and Vendor’s Rider, as the case may be, reserve the right in their sole discretion: 5.2.1 to ask for valid proof of age (e.g. ID card) to any persons before they deliver Alcohol; 5.2.2 to refuse delivery if you are unable to prove you are of legal age; and/or 5.2.3 to refuse delivery to any persons for any reason whatsoever. 5.3 Cigarettes/Tobacco Products (“Tobacco”) 5.3.1 We may offer Tobacco on some of our Platforms where the laws allow. By offering Tobacco for sale on our Platforms, we do not purport to advertise, promote or encourage the purchase or use of Tobacco in any way. 5.3.2 To purchase Tobacco, you must be of the statutory legal age. DeLay No More Delivery, the Vendor Rider and Vendor’s Rider, as the case may be, reserve the right in their sole discretion: Vendor’s Rider, as the case may be, reserve the right in their sole discretion: • to ask for valid proof of age (e.g. ID card) to any persons before they deliver Tobacco; • to refuse delivery if you are unable to prove you are of legal age; and/or • to refuse delivery to any persons for any reason whatsoever. 5.4 Any offer for any Alcohol and Tobacco made on the Platforms is void when it is prohibited by law. 6. Orders 6.1 When you place an Order with DeLay No More Delivery, DeLay No More Delivery will confirm your order by sending you a confirmation email containing the Order receipt. Where applicable, Orders will include delivery fees. 6.2 Minimum Order Value - Some of our Vendors require a minimum order value (“MOV”) before an Order can be placed and delivered to you. Where an applicable Order fails to meet the MOV, you will have the option of paying the difference to meet the MOV or to add more Goods to your Order. 6.3 Special Instructions – DeLay No More Delivery and the Vendor (as the case may be) reasonably endeavour to comply with your special instructions for an Order. However in some cases where this is not feasible, possible or commercially reasonable, DeLay No More Delivery and/or the Vendor reserve the right to proceed to prepare the Order in accordance with standard operating procedures. Neither DeLay No More Delivery nor the Vendor shall be responsible to replace or refund an Order which does not conform to special instructions provided by you. 6.4 Allergens – DeLay No More Delivery is not obligated to provide ingredient information or allergen information on the Platforms. Further, DeLay No More Delivery does not guarantee that the Goods sold by Vendors are free of allergens. If you have allergies, allergic reactions or dietary restrictions and requirements, please contact the Vendor before placing an Order on our Platforms. 6.5 Please note that your Order may be subject to additional terms and conditions provided by the Vendor. 6.6 Prior to placing the Order 6.6.1 You are required to provide the delivery address in order for the Platform to display the Vendors available in your delivery area. 6.6.2 Once you select a Vendor, you will be taken to that Vendor’s menu page for you to select and add your Goods to the cart. 6.7 Placing the Order To complete an Order, please follow the onscreen instructions after clicking ‘Checkout’. You may be required to provide additional details for us to complete your Order. You are required to review and confirm that all the information you provide, including the amounts, delivery details, personal details, payment information, and voucher codes (if applicable) is true, accurate and complete before you click “PLACE ORDER”. An Order is successfully placed when you receive an email confirmation containing your Order receipt from us. 6.8 Cancelling an Order 6.8.1 Please contact us immediately via our in-app customer support chat feature if you wish to cancel your Order after it has been placed. You have the right to cancel your Order provided a Vendor has not yet accepted your Order. 6.8.2 Refunds (i) Online Payment Orders You have the right to a refund for a cancelled Order only if a Vendor has not yet accepted your Order. Should you still decide to cancel your Order after it has been accepted by the Vendor, you understand that no refunds (whether in whole or in part) will be issued to you and you forfeit the delivery of your cancelled Order. (ii) Cash-on-Delivery Orders You have the right to cancel your Order only if a Vendor has not yet accepted your Order. Should you still decide to cancel your Order after it has been accepted by the Vendor, you understand that you shall forfeit the delivery of your cancelled Order and cash-on-delivery may be removed from your list of available payment methods for your future orders. 6.9 DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right to cancel any Order and/or suspend, deactivate or terminate your DeLay No More Delivery account in its sole discretion if it reasonably suspects or detects fraudulent behavior or activity associated with your DeLay No More Delivery account and/or with your Order. 7. Prices and Payments 7.1 Prices quoted on the Platforms shall be displayed in the applicable country’s national currency. Prices and offers on the Platforms may vary from the prices and you accept that offers offered by our Vendors (either on their own websites, mobile applications, or at their brick-and-mortar outlets). 7.2 Delivery fees are chargeable on every Order unless: : 7.2.1 you opt to collect your Order directly from the Vendor (“Pick-Up”); or 7.2.2 you have a valid promotional or discount voucher and apply it at Checkout; or 7.2.3 unless stated otherwise. 7.3 Prices and additional charges (including, delivery, small order fee, platform fee, or such other fees howsoever termed) indicated on the Platforms are as at the time of each Order and may be subject to change. 7.4 A breakdown of the prices and additional charges are displayed before Checkout. When you place an Order, you agree to all amounts, additional charges and the final ‘Total’ amount which is displayed to you. 7.5 You can choose to pay for an Order using any of the different payment methods offered on the Platforms including: 7.5.1 Our payment partners: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Google Pay, Apple Pay; 7.5.2 Such other payment method that is offered to you from time to time. 7.6 If you have existing credit in your DeLay No More Delivery account or valid promotional or discount vouchers, you can use this pay for part or all of your Order as the case may be. 7.7 After an Order is successfully placed, you will receive an email confirmation from us with your Order receipt. Delivery fees will not appear in your Order receipt if you opt for Pick-Up. 7.8 Payment Methods DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right to offer additional payment methods and/or remove existing payment methods at anytime in its sole discretion. If you choose to pay using an online payment method, the payment shall be processed by our third party payment service provider(s). With your consent, your credit card / payment information will be stored with our third party payment service provider(s) for future orders. DeLay No More Delivery does not store your credit card or payment information. 7.9 You must ensure that you have sufficient funds on your credit and debit card to fulfil payment of an Order. Insofar as required, DeLay No More Delivery takes responsibility for payments made on our Platforms including refunds, chargebacks, cancellations and dispute resolution, provided if reasonable and justifiable and in accordance with these Terms. 7.10. Rider Tip 7.10.1 Rider Tip (as defined herein) is applicable for all orders except for cash-on-delivery orders and orders delivered by Vendor Delivery (as defined below). When you place an order on the Platform, you will have the option to pay a tip to the delivery rider assigned to deliver your order (“Rider Tip”). DeLay No More Delivery will collect payment for the Rider Tip using the payment method chosen by you for the order. The delivery rider will receive the full amount of any Rider Tip which you choose to make once the delivery is completed. 7.10.2 For orders cancelled before delivery, DeLay No More Delivery will process a refund of any Rider Tip paid by you to the payment method used for the order. Refunds will require time to be processed by us, your credit card company and/or your bank. It can take anywhere from 5 to 10 business days (or even up to 30 days for overseas banks) for your refund to be processed and reflected in your account. 7.10.3 Rider Tips are not refundable once the order has been delivered by the delivery rider. 7.10.4 If you have any questions or issues regarding your Rider Tip, please reach out to our customer support via email or the in-app chat feature available on the Platform. 8. Delivery, Pick-Up and Vendor Delivery 8.1 Delivery Areas You understand that our Vendors offer their Goods in specific delivery areas and our Vendors vary from delivery area to delivery area. By entering your delivery address on the Platforms, you will see the Vendors that we make available to you at that time. Delivery areas may expand, shrink or change depending on weather and traffic conditions and situations of force majeure. 8.2 Delivery Time 8.2.1 DeLay No More Delivery shall facilitate the delivery of your Order to the delivery address provided by You. You may choose for your Order to be delivered “ASAP” or scheduled for a specific time. An estimated delivery time will be provided to you in your email confirmation but delivery times shall vary depending on factors that are not controlled by us (e.g. order quantity, distance, time of day (peak periods), weather conditions, traffic conditions, etc.). You can view the remaining delivery time of an Order when you click on ‘My orders’ on the Platforms. You acknowledge that the delivery time we provide is only an estimate and Orders may arrive earlier or later. To ensure that you do not miss a delivery of an Order, you should ensure that either you or someone is at the delivery location to receive the Order once an Order is placed. If your Order contains Alcohol or Tobacco (if applicable) and you or the recipient is or appears to be below the legal age, or fails to provide a valid proof of ID, DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right not to deliver your Order to you. 8.3 Unsuccessful or Failed Deliveries 8.3.1 1.In cases where the Rider attempts to deliver an Order but are unable to do so due to the reasons caused by you, including but not limited to: (i) no one was present or available to receive the Order; or (ii) you are or was uncontactable despite attempts to reach you via the phone number provided; or (iii) lack of appropriate or sufficient access to deliver the Order successfully; (iv) lack of a suitable or secure location to leave the Order; or (v) in the case of Restricted Goods, you did not meet the statutory age requirements or delivery did not deem it safe or appropriate for you or your representative to receive the Restricted Goods. 8.3.2 No-show Cancellations If you remain uncontactable or fail to receive the Order within ten (10) minutes from the time the Order arrives at your delivery address, DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right to cancel the Order without refund or remedy to you. 8.4 Wrong Order, Missing Items, Defective Goods Upon receipt of your Order, if you discover that there are issues with your Order (e.g. wrong order, defective order, or missing items) please contact customer support via one of the methods indicated in Clause 1.3 above immediately. In some cases, DeLay No More Delivery may request for photographic proof and/or additional information to properly investigate the issue with your Order. If we determine that the Order and/or Goods you received are not of satisfactory condition or quality, we will compensate you for your Order or parts of your Order. 8.5 Order Pick-Up 8.5.1 Where available, you will have the option of collecting your Order in-person directly from the Vendor’s premises ('Pick-Up') instead of having the Order delivered to You. Your email confirmation will indicate the time for you to Pick-Up the Order (“Collection Time”). The Vendor will prepare the Order by the Collection Time. In some cases, a reasonable delay may be expected. The Vendor agrees to hold the Order for you at the Vendor’s premises for no more than a reasonable period of twenty (20) minutes from the Collection Time (“Holding Time”) and shall not be obliged to provide the Order to you if you fail to Pick-Up your Order within the Holding Time. 8.5.2 In the event of unreasonable delays in Pick-Up attributable to you, you bear the risk of any damage or loss of Goods or any deterioration in quality or change in condition of the Goods (e.g. changes in the temperature fit for consumption). In this case, you shall not be entitled to a replacement, refund or replacement of the Goods. You alone are responsible for inspecting the Goods/Order when you Pick-Up your Order and shall report any issues and/or defects to the Vendor before leaving the Vendor’s premises. 8.6 Vendor Delivery In some cases, the Vendors (and not the Rider) will deliver the Order to you (“Vendor Delivery”). While we will use reasonable efforts to provide prior notice to you on Vendor Delivery, this may not always be possible. Where Vendor Delivery applies, we may ask you to contact the Vendor directly in the event of issues or delays in your delivery. DeLay No More Delivery shall not be responsible in any way for Orders or Goods that are delivered by Vendor Delivery. 9. Vouchers, Discounts and Promotions, Gift Card 9.1 From time to time, DeLay No More Delivery may run marketing and promotional campaigns which offer voucher codes, discounts, and other promotional offers to be used on the Platforms (“Vouchers”). Vouchers are subject to validity periods, redemption periods, and in certain cases, may only be used once. 9.2 Vouchers may not be valid when used in conjunction with other promotions, discounts or other vouchers. Additional terms and conditions may apply to Vouchers. 9.3 Unless otherwise stated, Vouchers can only be used on our Platforms. 9.4 Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash. 9.5 DeLay No More Delivery reserves the right to void, discontinue or reject the use of any Voucher without prior notice Individual restaurants terms & conditions apply 9.6 We may exclude certain Vendors from the use of Vouchers at any time without prior notice to you. 10. Representations, Warranties and Limitation of Liabilities 10.1 Representations and Warranties You acknowledge and agree that the content on the Platforms are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and that your use of or reliance upon the Platforms and any content, goods, products or services accessed or obtained thereby is at your sole risk and discretion. While DeLay No More Delivery makes reasonable efforts to ensure the provision of the Platforms and the services we offer, are available at all times, we do not warrant or represent that the Platforms shall be provided in a manner which is secure, timely, uninterrupted, error-free, free of technical difficulties, defects or viruses. Please expect temporary interruptions of the Platform due to scheduled or regular system maintenance work, downtimes attributable to internet or electronic communications or events of force majeure. 10.2 Limitation of Liability 10.2.1To the extent permitted by law, DeLay No More Delivery (which shall include its employees, directors, agents, representatives, affiliates and parent company) exclude all liability (whether arising in contract, in negligence or otherwise) for loss or damage which you or any third party may incur in connection with our Platforms, our services, and any website linked to our Platforms and any content or material posted on it. Your exclusive remedy with respect to your use of the Platforms is to discontinue your use of the Platforms. The DeLay No More Delivery entities, their agents, representatives, and service providers shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages arising from your use of the Platforms or for any other claim related in any way to your use of the Platforms. These exclusions for indirect, special, consequential, and exemplary damages include, without limitation, damages for lost profits, lost data, loss of goodwill, work stoppage, work stoppage, computer failure, or malfunction, or any other commercial damages or losses, even if the DeLay No More Delivery entities, their agents, representatives, and service providers have been advised of the possibility thereof and regardless of the legal or equitable theory upon which the claim is based. Because some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or the limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states or jurisdictions, DeLay No More Delivery, the DeLay No More Delivery entities, its agents, representatives and service providers' liability shall be limited to the extent permitted by law. Unless otherwise stated, and to the fullest extent allowed by law, any claims against DeLay No More Delivery by you shall be limited to the aggregate amounts actually paid by and/or due form you in utilizing the service during the event giving rise to such claims. 10.2.2 DeLay No More Delivery shall not be a party to any disputes or negotiations of disputes between you and Rider, Vendor’s delivery rider or providers including Vendors, advertisers and/or sponsors including any third-party. Responsibility for the decisions you make regarding services and/or products offered via the service and/or the Platforms (with all its implications) rests solely with and on you. You expressly waive and release DeLay No More Delivery from any and all liability, claims, causes of action, or damages arising from your use of the service and/or the Platforms, or in any way related to the third parties including Vendors, Rider, Vendor’s delivery rider, advertisers and/or sponsors introduced to you by the service and/or the Platforms. 11. Vendor Liability DeLay No More Delivery shall neither be liable for actions or omissions of the Vendor nor you in regard to provision of the Goods and where Vendor Delivery applies to your Order. DeLay No More Delivery does not assume any liability for the quantity, quality, condition or other representations of the Goods and/or services provided by Vendors, the Rider or Vendor’s delivery rider nor guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information (including menu information, photos and images of the Goods) displayed on the Vendor’s listing/offering on the Platforms. Nothing in these Terms shall exclude Vendor’s liability for death or personal injury arising from Vendor’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. Where applicable, DeLay No More Delivery’s role as a payment collection agent is solely mechanical and administrative in nature and DeLay No More Delivery does not owe to you a duty of care or any fiduciary duties. 12. Internet Delays The service and Platforms may be subject to limitations, delays, and other problems inherent in the use of the internet and electronic communications including the device used by you or the third party provider being faulty, not connected, out of range, switched off or not functioning. DeLay No More Delivery is not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, damages or losses resulting from such problems. 13. Vendor Liability Vendors are responsible for the preparation, condition and quality of Goods. In cases of Vendor Delivery, Vendors are responsible for delivery of the Goods and/or Orders. DeLay No More Delivery shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your contractual relationship with the Vendor. 14. Personal Data (Personal Information) Protection You agree and consent to DeLay No More Delivery and any of its affiliate companies collecting, using, processing and disclosing your Personal Data in accordance with these Terms and as further described in our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy is a part of these Terms. 15. Catering Where available, you may choose to pre-order to DeLay No More Delivery catering (“Catering”), connecting you with catering vendors. If you choose to pre-order with Catering, you agree to be bound by and to comply with the Catering terms and conditions, which are incorporated by reference herein and access here. 16. Indemnity You agree to indemnify, defend, hold harmless DeLay No More Delivery, its directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, and affiliates, from any and all third party claims, liability, damages and/or costs (including but not limited to, legal fees) arising from your use of the Platforms or your breach of these Terms. 17. Third Party Links and Websites The Platforms may contain links to other third party websites and by clicking on these links, you agree to do so at your own risk. DeLay No More Delivery does not control or endorse these third party websites or links and shall not be responsible for the content of these linked pages. DeLay No More Delivery accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage which may be suffered by you in relation to your access and use of these third party links and websites. 18. Termination DeLay No More Delivery has the right to terminate, suspend or delete your account and access to the Platforms, including any delivery service we provide to you in respect of an Order, for any reason, including, without limitation, if DeLay No More Delivery, in its sole discretion, considers your use to be unacceptable, or in the event of any breach by you of the Terms. DeLay No More Delivery may, but shall be under no obligation to, provide you a warning prior to termination of your use of the Websites. 19. Amendments DeLay No More Delivery may amend these Terms at any time in its sole discretion. The amended Terms shall be effective immediately upon posting and you agree to the new Terms by continued use of the Platforms. It is your responsibility to check the Terms regularly. If you do not agree with the amended Terms, whether in whole or in part, you must stop using the Platforms immediately. 20. Severability If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any provision in these Terms of Use shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such provision or any other provision. 21. Governing Law These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the country / courts of jurisdiction in which the relevant DeLay No More Delivery entity is incorporated as set out in the table below. 22. Contact Us If you wish to contact us regarding any questions or comments you may have, please send an email to our customer support email. 23. Groceries / Convenience Shops 23.1 The purchase of Goods from Vendors on ‘SHOPS’ on the Platforms are subject to these Terms. Additionally, you agree to comply with any and all the guidelines, notices, operating rules and policies and instructions pertaining to the purchase of Goods from SHOPS which are incorporated into and form a part of these Terms. 23.2 Due to delivery constraints, DeLay No More Delivery may be required to impose a cap on the amount of your Order or limit the quantities of Goods in your Order from SHOPS in its sole discretion. 23.3 Unless otherwise stated, all purchases from SHOPS shall be subject to the SHOPS cancellation, refund and returns policy. 23.4 Where the prices of any Goods are subject to the definitive weight of the Goods, we will provide an initial estimate of the price for the purposes of checkout. The final price shall be indicated in your email confirmation. For shortfalls in payment, additional amounts shall be charged to you. For overpayments, excess amounts shall be refunded in accordance with our SHOPS cancellation, refund and returns policy. 23.5 We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to restrict or limit the sales of our Goods to any person, geographic region or jurisdiction. Due to the laws in some countries, we shall not offer for sale certain goods, or restricted items to you (e.g. alcohol, tobacco, etc.). Any offer for any Goods made on the Platforms is void when it is prohibited by law. 24. Prevailing Language In the event of a dispute as to the Terms, the English version shall prevail. The English language version of these Terms shall control in all respects and shall prevail in case of any inconsistencies with translated versions.